Category: Gospel and Culture

Christ & Culture Revisited

Those familiar with the theological debates regarding Christ and Culture will, no doubt, be familiar with Richard Niebuhr’s classic work Christ and Culture. Largely developed through reflection on historical patterns of and postures toward cultural engagement, Christ and Culture offered an insightful synthesis as well as a new typology. Niebuhr constructed a five-fold approach to Christian engagement with culture. Unfortunately, these five approaches (Christ of culture, Christ above culture, Christ against culture, Christ transformer of culture, Christ above culture) have not made their way into common Christian parlance or practice (though Christians typically embrace one of the positions).

Most scholars have recognized that, instead of selecting just one posture towards culture, a more complex approach is necessary, requiring that we employ a combination of the views presented by Niebuhr. Simply put, there are things in our cultures that Christ is against, others he is for, and still more that he wants to transform.

I have eagerly been anticipating D. A. Carson’s Christ and Culture Revisited, which is hitting bookstores soon. Carson revisits Niebuhr’s classic work, applauding it for its many strengths. However, he also brings a much needed perspective to the discussion of Christ and Culture, that of biblical theology. Advocating reliance upon biblical paradigms for cultural engagement, Carson draws upon the rich resources of biblical theology for an alternative typology. In addition, he seeks to apply this typology to some contemporary cultural issues.

Click here to preview the preface and table of contents.

"Man" is Pregnant

Former Hawaiian beauty queen, Thomas Beatie, age 34, is now pregnant and married to a woman. See the interview with photos on the Oprah site. When queried about why he kept female reproductive organs after the sex change, Thomas replied that he wanted to have a baby some day.  He/she commented: “It’s not a male or female desire to have a child,” he said. “It’s a human desire. I have a very stable male identity.”

Of course, the alarming and disconcerting issue here is not her desire to have a child, but rather the gender and identity confused environment in which that child will be raised. By altering her natural gender, Thomas has redefined his/her identity, an identity that, at its core, is artificially and sexually constructed.

Transforming Culture: The Future of the Arts (outstanding!)

Plenary #6 – Jeremy Begbie

This is the address I have anticipated the most. I encountered Begbie in my seminary library, reading some of Voice of Creation’s Praise. Begbie’s most recent work is the in the Baker Engaging Culture series: Resounding Truth. Begbie demonstrates theological integration at its finest. I have so much to learn, so much to enjoy!
Hopeful Subversion requires not what the futurist typically does—examining present trends and forecasting the philosophical and cultural future. As Christians we do the opposite. We begin with God’s future (Rev 21) and work backwards.

The Spirit Unites the Unlike: the new creation will be populated with diverse peoples. Christians are among the few who can do bad art with style. This symposium puts the unlike together—pastor and artist. Pentecost is a collection of diverse peoples, not speaking the same language, but different cultures and languages. The Spirit translated different languages. Pastors and artists need to learn one another’s languages, the languages of proposition and description. The Christian community should to subvert homogeneity. Music often relies on beats and counter-beats, different configurations, in order to create pleasant sounds.

The Spirit Brings Excess from the Future: the Spirit does not merely restore order of Edenic proportions, a world of balance. The NT views a new creation that vastly surpasses the former world, that does away with evil and lavishes its landscape of novelty. Gallons of wine when we need only bottles, surplus of fish and loaves not just enough, a resurrected body, not just a revived life, a hyperlife. God specializes in excess. Artists resonate with this because the arts are unnecessary. Unlike the evolutionary genetics that perceives art as necessary to attract potential mates, the Arts are excessive. They say more than they can tell (see Rowan Williams recent book). No need of sun or moon, uncreated light, will illumine the new creation. This is excessive. “My vision of the future is artists and others revelling in excess.”

The Spirit Inverts: a lamb rules the new creation (see The Upside-Down Mice). God brings a world where the poor become rich, where promotion is demotion, where the way up is the way down. The power that rules the world, that flung the stars into the sky is our power in an oppressive world. We are to initiate a preview of the world to come. Kings College stained glass–Pilot is washing his hands below the crucified Lord. The Lord Jesus holds the power of the cross, inverting power through his sacrifice. He rules over the rulers of our day. Music often inverts, playing a series of notes forwards and backwards for effect. Begbie plays pieces on piano that reflect inversion, stunning theological integration and illustration of the Spirit inverting the world. Cross-shaped love.

The Spirit Exposes the Depths: the Lamb bears the marks of slaughter in the new creation. We must subvert sentimentality, the trivialization of evil, suffering, and death. We have reached an aesthetic moment in Western culture, with the media surge of preoccupation with arts that ignore the awful and the infinite. In our worship we pursue sentimentality. We crave perfect immediacy in worship, when God communes with us through imperfection. Jesus is not our fantasy partner, our boyfriend. The Spirit exposes the depths to which Christ has already gone, Christ crucified, where we see who we really are—enemies of God—out of the depths Christ screams of the horror of evil and suffering. But God is prepared to go into the pit in order to embrace us. The Son of the Father reaches into the pit of hell to tell us that we have nothing to fear.