Category: Gospel and Culture

For the Beauty of the Church

For the Beauty of the Church is book for both pastors and artists, and that’s not a marketing ploy. Both artists and pastors are present, not only as the book’s audience but also among its contributors. The book bears a sincere burden, pastoral and artistic, carried gracefully by a group of theologians, pastors, patrons, and artists, led by an articulate, winsome, and wise artist-theologian-pastor, David O. Taylor.

Theological and Practical

For the Beauty of the Church sets itself apart from many books on church and art because it offers time-tested wisdom and theologically anchored vision. As Taylor points out, we can cheapen art by reducing it to a church tool for Sundays (pragmatism) or we can cheapen church with an inadequate theology of the arts. For the Beauty of the Church steers right between both dangers, offering helpful practice and theological depth.

In the words of the introduction: The book begins at the beginning: “The Gospel.” It ends with a vision of the church’s future in the year 2058: “The Future.” In between, the book addresses key components for an integrated vision: “The Worshiper,” “The Art Patron,” “The Pastor,” “The Artist,” “The Practitioner,” and “The Dangers.”

A Sprint Through the Book

Although the book is worthy of a more extensive review, I will offer a sprint through its content. In chapter one, the delightful prose and cultural strength of Andy Crouch lays the theological foundation. Though other contributors could have done a better job at laying a biblical-theological foundation, Andy certainly delivers thoughtful biblical reflections that get the reader’s mind going in the right direction.

It’s hard to find a more qualified person to write chapter two on worship and the Arts. John Witvliet is the Director of the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship. His reflections are at once theological and practical, guiding the church away from sentimentality and idolatry in the Arts to worship that is corporate, communal, and iconic.

We get to read Laura Winner’s words in chapter three, where she offers “a patron/pew” perspective with a Jewish twist. Eugene Peterson gives sage witness to the role of artists in the church, while chapters five and six tackle the artist’s identity and practice. Finally, the dangers of artistic activity in the church are elaborated and expanded upon in chapter seven, not something you would expect in a book promoting a vision for the art in the church!

For the Beauty of the Church is a beautiful book, in more ways than one. David wants to show us how to hold art and church together without cheapening either, and he and his contributors have done just that.

Etsy: Art, Craft, & Community is a social commerce website that sells handmade or vintage items. It was started by a small company in 2005 and has grown to over 60 employees bringing in over $13 mL a month in sales. It has ruffled the sales of eBay and other online companys. Some have called it a “crafty cross between eBay and Amazon.”It is a DIYs haven.

Now, don’t think cheezy, disposable, one-mans-trash-is-another-mans-treasure. Although there’s certainly some of that, Etsy is also the online presence for many worldwide designers and artists. The variety of handmade goods is incredible. I got a really cool wallet off Etsy that is animal-free, made of tape by Tape Bubba. Thousands of online boutiques, artisans, and creative goods are hosted at

Parsimonious Fashion

Of particular interest is the Parsimony Store. The store name communicates the designer’s interest “cheapy-chic”, to sell things that are both cute and parsimonious, inexpensive. This store sells fashionable, hand-made dresses, sized-to-fit all at reasonable prices. I’ve seen designer boutiques carry many dresses of inferior quality and fashion for inordinately higher prices.

Now, I’m a little biased because my wife is the designer of these amazing dresses, but check them out for yourself. She’s got a 100% positive rating, ships all over the world, and a five-star/heart Etsy rating! In addition to dresses, she makes lots of creative jewelry and crafts.

More than a Craft

But Etsy is more than a store; it’s a community. NY Times reports on the rise of “Handmade 2.0” noting that “the path that has led to Etsy begins with a motto — do it yourself — that implies distaste for consumer culture.” If it’s distaste is consumer culture (not commerce), then what does it have a taste for?

Etsy is a crafting community, a collective of artistans that are both local and global. Etsy Meet-ups happen all over the world to bring people together around craft and art-making. This anti-consumerism, pro-community impulse is amazing to witness. Every month women from all over Austin pile into my home to participate in craft nights, enjoy good food and wine, and begin, continue, and deepen relationships. Though I don’t linger long (too much estrogen), it’s compelling, creative, and communal. In fact, if you live in Austin, you can meet up at the Etsy Craft Party Meet Up on June 18! See more info at: