Here are the free videos by Tedd Tripp from a recent conference.
Category: Gospel and Culture
Thanksgiving…to Whom?
Drivers on I-35 were confronted with a great holiday inquiry: “Thanksgiving to Whom?” On Thanksgiving we’re supposed to be thankful, but why? Who or what are we supposed to thank on this holiday? When we get together with our families and say: “I am so thankful for ____.” Where is our thanksgiving pointed? Thankful to the cosmic energy? Thankful to the kindness of impersonal fate? Thanksgiving to our hard work that ascertained all those blessings?
Thanksgiving to whom?
The big banner that stretched across the top of my church building, Bethlehem Baptist, begged an answer: thanksgiving to God. Apart from a beneficent, personal, knowable, providential Creator, we only have ourselves to thank, which makes Thanksgiving awfully narcissistic. Or with faith in God in steep decline, we could opt for fate, but that’s awfully irrational, as fate isn’t personal or providential, it’s impersonal and deterministic.
Thanksgiving, the act and the holiday, require a Giver to whom we can give our thanks. And in directing our thanks to our Creator, we settle into the satisfaction of being a created person designed to thank and praise. Thanksgiving to whom? Thanksgiving to God.
Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! – Psalm 95.1-6
Gospel-centered Family Resources
Here are some gospel-centered family resources to follow up our Sunday sermon on Gospel-centered Parenting. This is a buffet of resources. Just start with a couple. Don’t order everything and try to start all of these rhythms overnight. Start with the Bible and a book and move out from there. And remember, you can’t change your children, only the Spirit of Jesus can, so pray!
Parenting Books
- Gospel-Driven Parenting (Farley) – this book is principle driven, helping parents think through how to bring the gospel into their own lives as parents and into their children’s lives.
- Shepherding A Child’s Heart (Tripp) – this book is more practical in nature, addressing the heart of our child through the various stages of child development. They also have a follow up book, Instructing a Child’s Heart.
- How Children Raise Parents (Allender) – I loved this book and go back to it over and over for personal enrichment as a parent. I use some of Allender’s practices with our children.
- God, Marriage, & Family (Kostenberger) – uber-biblical, with a twist of practical. Great for reference and finer concerns.
- Grace-Based Parenting (Kimmel) – very introductory to gospel-shaped parenting, but good.
Develop Gospel Family Rhythms
- Develop family rhythms around the Gospel. These are predictable times of worship, prayer and Bible reading. Consider doing them around meals, a time when the family should be gathering together free from the distractions of media. We do this at breakfast.
- Don’t isolate the gospel to predictable times. Integrate prayer, worship, and Bible into every day life. Pray on the fly, sing on the fly, read on the fly. When we isolate we program our children for legalism. Show them the gospel in everyday life.
- Read the a good children’s Bible (or this one). Remember to have fun with your children while learning the Bible. Avoid being uber serious and unrealistic expectations. Keep the time brief to hold the small children’s attention.
- Do some Scripture flash cards to do over a meal. If you know of cards with better pictures for small children let me know! Use the verses in context, applying them to everyday life for instruction. Put the verses to music or rhythm. Your child will enjoy singing and clapping.
- Sing Songs together. Teach them songs from CDs, DVDs, and ones you make up along the way.
- Interact with the Book of Questions and Answers. My kids love this book. They ask for it. They enjoy getting to participate in the gospel rhythms, not just listen to stories.
Candid Ted Haggard Video
I had the privilege of watching this interview with Ted Haggard live at the Q Conference this year in Austin. It was powerful, gripping, convicting, inspiring. The Haggard’s respond with grace regarding his sex scandal. A stand-out quote:
If people judge me, hate me, and despise me, and write bad things about me, and reject me, they are just. If people are kind, gracious, and loving, and forgiving, and gentle, that’s grace.