Category: Gospel and Culture

Article Archive

I have updated my Article archive by expanding the list and giving short descriptions of the articles. I hope some of these will be helpful for you.

Stop Going to Church

We spend just enough time “at church” to be religious, but nowhere near enough time to be family.

Read the whole article here.

Resources on Biblical Manhood

In preparation for my message on Biblical Masculinity (part of the Truly Human series), I consulted a number of books and articles other than the Bible. In the end, some of the most helpful stuff appears to have been reflections from my own failures and successes. However, here are some of the popular, not academic, resources I consulted. Note that I do not agree with all of the information in any of these resources:



You’ll note that the articles lean in the direction of cultural exegesis, while the books lean in the direction of biblical exegesis. Feel free to email me for academic resources that deal with both conservative and liberal interpretations of the sermon texts!

The Marks of Manhood

Al Mohler recently listed 13 marks of mature masculinity …check the whole article for explanations.

1. Spiritual maturity sufficient to lead a wife and children.

2. Personal maturity sufficient to be a responsible husband and father.

3. Economic maturity sufficient to hold an adult job and handle money.

4. Physical maturity sufficient to work and protect a family.

5. Sexual maturity sufficient to marry and fulfill God’s purposes.

6. Moral maturity sufficient to lead as example of righteousness.

7. Ethical maturity sufficient to make responsible decisions.

8. Worldview maturity sufficient to understand what is really important.

9. Relational maturity sufficient to understand and respect others.

10. Social maturity sufficient to make a contribution to society.

11. Verbal maturity sufficient to communicate and articulate as a man.

12. Character maturity sufficient to demonstrate courage under fire.

13. Biblical maturity sufficient to lead at some level in the church.