Tag: al mohler

The Marks of Manhood

Al Mohler recently listed 13 marks of mature masculinity …check the whole article for explanations.

1. Spiritual maturity sufficient to lead a wife and children.

2. Personal maturity sufficient to be a responsible husband and father.

3. Economic maturity sufficient to hold an adult job and handle money.

4. Physical maturity sufficient to work and protect a family.

5. Sexual maturity sufficient to marry and fulfill God’s purposes.

6. Moral maturity sufficient to lead as example of righteousness.

7. Ethical maturity sufficient to make responsible decisions.

8. Worldview maturity sufficient to understand what is really important.

9. Relational maturity sufficient to understand and respect others.

10. Social maturity sufficient to make a contribution to society.

11. Verbal maturity sufficient to communicate and articulate as a man.

12. Character maturity sufficient to demonstrate courage under fire.

13. Biblical maturity sufficient to lead at some level in the church.

Moralism of Man

Just as parents rightly teach their children to obey moral instruction, the church also bears responsibility to teach its own the moral commands of God and to bear witness to the larger society of what God has declared to be right and good for His human creatures.

But these impulses, right and necessary as they are, are not the Gospel. Indeed, one of the most insidious false gospels is a moralism that promises the favor of God and the satisfaction of God’s righteousness to sinners if they will only behave and commit themselves to moral improvement.

The moralist impulse in the church reduces the Bible to a codebook for human behavior and substitutes moral instruction for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Far too many evangelical pulpits are given over to moralistic messages rather than the preaching of the Gospel.

Read the rest from Al Mohler here.

Newsweek, Gay Marriage, & the Bible

If you haven’t heard of the uproar of the passage of Proposition 8 in California by now, here’s your chance to engage in a lively, current and intriguing cultural issue. The debate over the validity of gay marriage and gay rights isn’t new. What is new is a major periodical taking a side in the debate and making it a cover story. Newsweek’s cover story is Gay Marriage: Our Mutual Joy.

Wherever you are on this issue, you need to be there not by blind conviction but by careful and deliberate analysis of both sides of the issue. I have friends who are for and friends who are against. I have gay friends who think it is ridiculous to use the Bible to support gay marriage and friends who think it is silly to use the Bible to rail against gay marriage. And herein lies one of the key problems, those friends are “using the Bible” not faithfully interpreting it. Whatever your conviction is, if you use the Bible, don’t. Instead, interpret it as you would want your blog, paper, or will interpreted—word by word, aimed at getting the author’s intention, not in sneaking in your bias.

Newsweek offers one reading of the Bible. Get Religion offers another reading. Both pieces are pretty inflammatory and thin on reading the Bible closely. If you read both, I hope youll be convinced to read the Bible itself.  Grab a Bible, turn to the Concordance, and look up “marriage” and “homosexuality.” Then read two scholarly treatments of the issue here and work through some conclusions. Do it with integrity; do it in love, please.

9 Marks: Christian Unity and Division

The new 9 Marks journal topic is Christian Unity. Here are a list of articles:

When, Why & Where To Draw Boundaries
God has entrusted us with a stewardship in this generation; the choice of doing something about false doctrine is up to us.
By Wayne Grudem

Theological Triage
Some doctrines demand agreement; some don’t. But which are which?
By R. Albert Mohler

Fellow Workers for the Truth
A humbling meditation on 3 John 8 that should be read by every Christian leader in the entire world.
By Andy Johnson