Category: Gospel and Culture

Top Texas Needs

In his Statesman article this morning, Gardner Selby rehearsed the “eye sores” of Texas, sores that the Church should be actively addressing. Citing from Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Selby noted the following areas of of leading deficiencies in the U.S.:

  • High Property Taxes
  • State Debt
  • College Tuition
  • Highest School Drop-outs
  • Tops Uninsured Children

At the very least, these are matters for prayer. But what would it look like for a church or gathering of churches to address some of these issues locally? How invested are we in schools? Do we know where the uninsured children are? Are we helping redress the gentrification created by high property taxes. I don’t have solutions; but I’d like to be part of an answer.

You Can Change – the 4 Gs

Austin City Life City Groups went through Tim Chester’s book You Can Change YCC will be released in the U.S. in March 2010 (new cover to the left) this summer. It was a powerful experience for all our communities. In chapter 5, Tim helps us fight the fight of faith for Gospel change by introducing four powerful truths we can believe in face of the lies of sin.

1. God is great – so we don’t have to be in control

2. God is glorious – so we don’t have to fear others

3. God is good – so we don’t have to look elsewhere

4. God is gracious – so we don’t have to prove ourselves

Our friends at Soma Church are now calling these the “4 Gs”, which is catchy. I encourage you to meditate on the power of God’s grace promised to us in the 4 Gs. When we are tempted to fear, flee, flaunt, or force our way, God promises a better way. He is Great, Glorious, Good, and Gracious. Memorize these phrases. Look for their truth in the Scriptures. Meditate on God’s goodness, glory, greatness, and graciousness….and Enjoy Grace!

You Can Change Resources

ACL Worship EP Review

Here’s a great review of the ACL One EP. An excerpt:

Looking for the diamond in the rough? That little known gem hiding from any mainstream press and yet as good as anything you’ll find on store shelves? Then allow me to help you out. Austin City Life is a missional community in Austin, Texas – the home of many a talented musician. So it should come as no surprise that Austin should also provide some fantastic worship music as well.

Buy it on iTunes