Category: Gospel and Culture
Yettaw Released by Burmese, but not Aung Suu Kyi
In case you don’t know, in an unexpected show of cooperation the Burmese Junta let John Yettaw go. Yettaw swam a Burmese river to warn Nobel Peace Prize winner and Democratic leader, Suu Kyi, of an impending assassination attempt. Does anyone have any idea who this Mormon Yettaw guy is anyway? CIA? MI-5? Regardless, he exacerbated the situation. Suu Kyi’s almost 20 year house arrest was extended, with the charge of “attempting to escape.” Yeah, right. And who could blame her if she did!
Senator Webb negotiated Yettaw’s release. Perhaps this will open doors for US to work the diplomatic angle to get Suu Kyi released. It’s atrocious how she has been treated. Here’s what Webb had to say on the matter:
“I am not going to apologise for the actions that he took but I believe that it was a good gesture from your government to our country to allow him to return home to his family for humanitarian reasons”
Pray for her release. Pray for oppressed peoples of Burma. Lord have mercy!
$100 off Fight Clubs Order
Today is the last day to take advantage of the LuLu Discount to get a $100 off an order of 100 Fight Clubs books or more! Just enter the coupon code “FRANKLIN” to get the discount.
New Midlake Album
Midlake has been working on their third album for quite some time. I’ve heard pretty good things about it. Know a guy who played on it. Under the Radar is hailing it as one of the most anticipated albums of 2009. Here’s what Midlake has to say about their forthcoming The Courage of Others.
Midlake is happy to announce that ‘The Courage of Others’ is rapidly approaching the finish line of completion. The finishing touches are being put upon the long anticipated album and mixing has already commenced. It has been quite a journey, with its fair shares of ups and downs, but the band can’t wait to share the fruits of labor with everyone. No official release date has been announced, but stay tuned for one in the coming weeks. Sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their patience and support…
Check out a recent Midlake interview here.