Here’s some…
- Housing: The median home value in Austin, TX, is $312,500. Home appreciation is 3.78% over the last year. The median age of Austin, TX, real estate is 24 years.
- Crime: Austin, TX, violent crime, on a scale from 1 (low crime) to 10, is 6. Violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The US average is 3.
- Politics: 56.01% of the people in Austin, TX are registered as Democrats. 42.00% are registered Republican. Remaining are independent: 1.99%.
- Religion: 46.17% of the people in Austin, TX are religious, meaning they affiliate with a religion. 20.41% are Catholic; 20.12% are Protestant; 0.58% are LDS; 2.95% are another Christian faith; 1.66% are Jewish; 0.07% are an eastern faith; 0.38% affiliate with Islam.
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