Check out this great post by our missional intern on the origins and theology of the old hymn “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.”
Tag: hymns
Acts 29 Retreat Reflection
Our trip to Vail, Colorado for the annual Acts 29 Pastors & Wives retreat was outstanding. Robie and I were refreshed by the scheduling of generous personal time, as well as by the nourishing relationships with other planters and wives. We discovered that A29 is not only a network but a family. Gary and Betsy Ricucci led two session on marriage, which were honest, gospel-centered and helpful.
Each morning I enjoyed a walk along Gore Creek, which was more like a rushing river, nestled against the base of the Vail mountains. It was here that I experienced significant, personal renewal, as the Creator reminded me of his lavish love and grace that constantly flows towards us and through us in Jesus. I found myself singing “The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus,” a hymn that seemed to give words to the watery images around me:
Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus vast unmeasured, boundless free
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of thy love
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee (listen here)