Tag: Richard Florida

Q Conference 2010: Chicago

The Q Conference will be held in Chicago this year. The line-up looks great. I’ve highlighted some favorites. The Austin Q was stimulating, creative, and significant. I expect more of the same for Q 2010. Check out the line-up:

2010 Chicago Confirmed Presentations:

Putting a New Face on Photography | Jeremy Cowart, Celebrity Photographer
The Both/And of the Gospel | Timothy Keller, Pastor of First Redeemer Manhattan
Conversations on Being a Heretic | Scot McKnight Interviews Brian McLaren, Author
Responding to Our Fatherhood Crisis | Roland Warren, National Fatherhood Initiative
The Death of Christian America | David Aikman, Historian and Journalist
The Next Christians | Gabe Lyons, Q Founder
The Future of Education | Sajan George, School System Turnaround Specialist
Evolution of a Voice | Bryan Coley, Screenwriter
Being Provoked to Engage | Jo Saxton, Leadership Consultant
Muslim and Christian? | Buddy Hoffman, Pastor of Grace Fellowship Atlanta
The Church and the City | Charles Jenkins, Pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Chicago
Recovering Ancient Practices | Phyllis Tickle, Author
Observing the Sabbath | Matthew Sleeth, Environmentalist
Don’t Eat the Food | Sean Womack, Brand Consultant
People of the Second Chance | Mike Foster, Founder of Ethur
Resetting a Creative Economy | Richard Florida, Sociologist
Collaborating in Community | Charles Lee, Ideation Strategist
Social Activism | Antonio Carlos Costa, Activist, Rio De Janeiro
Land of a Thousand Hills | Jonathan Golden, Social Entrepreneur
The Bible in Society | Q Panel
Greenlighting Reconciliation | Laura Waters Hinson, Filmmaker
Human Centered Design | David Blanchard, IDEO
Overcoming the Science and Faith Divide | Alister McGrath, Theologian and Author
Missionaries to America | Todd Hunter, Bishop, Anglican Church

More on Creative Thinking

  1. Write it down. – Encourage your team to write and share their lives with others. (More blogging!)
  2. Hire smart. – Hire risk-takers. You need people that are willing to embrace change.
  3. Bring in outsiders. – Bring in outside perspective to expand your thinking. (That’s how we arrived at our live-streaming technology for multi-site.)
  4. Be flexible. Very flexible. – The same strategy doesn’t work for every situation.

See the rest of the article here (HT:MC).

Pressing Through the Creativity Gap

Kevin Cawley posts on really helpful advice from Ira Glass regarding obstacles to creativity and excellence in honing our craft. He explores the creativity gap between our “tastes” and “product” and how to move from mediocre to creative excellence.

  1. Do a significant volume of work, even if it doesn’t pay.
  2. Creative excellence takes time.
  3. Give yourself the space and time to move from mediocre work to meet your higher tastes.

The New Office?

Many of us dread the office, even worse, the cubicle. Ironically, the cubicle was originally designed to foster human creativity, increase a new sense of success and vocational vitality. According to Nikil Saval, when Robert Propst created the cubicle in the 60s, he declared: “We are a nation of office dwellers. The face of capitalism had changed; the office had become a ‘thinking place’; ‘the real office consumer was the mind.'” Repetitive work was replaced by knowledge work and the cubicle was born to accommodate such work! By 2000, forty million American white-collar employees were using Propst’s “Action Office”–the cubicle.

Times have changed. Sure, there are still plenty of cubicles but in many cities they are steadily being replaced by coffee shops. Unlike the stifling effects of the cubicle, coffee shops and cafes can stimulate creativity . Caffeine, music, good food, other creative people, open-air workspace, people and culture swirling all around you. The new office is the mobile office, a land of open-air, ever alternating cubicles where creativity teems with the steam of each cappuccino. Richard Florida has argued for a next wave of work, seeing creativity, not knowledge, as new economic driver. He defines creativity as “the creation of useful new forms out of that knowledge,” and writes “in my formulation, ‘knowledge’ and ‘information’ are the tools and materials of creativity.

Are we in a creative age? Are cafes the new cubicles? If so, have we reached vocational utopia which all, non-creative work must only aspire to? Or is there a dark side to the new office, a danger in a creative-driven economy? One thing is for sure, firms and office managers are sending freelancers and employees to the cafes with a laugh. Who pays for the expenses? Coffee, internet, space, parking, food, air conditioning, drinks, power? A creative way to make a buck!

See Nikil Saval, “Birth of the Office,” n+1; Richard Florida, Rise of the Creative Class.