Tag: shan

Burmese Refugees Need Jobs, Justice, Hope!

Myanmar is a nation of contrasts. In many places children live and grow up without any opportunity to receive an education whatsoever. It is ironic that if you go into any market it is not difficult to find people selling produce who have studied to degree level but they can’t find well paid jobs with qualifications.

Add to this reality that many of the peoples of Burma have been run out of their country, persecuted, and forced to flee into neighboring countries like Thailand. Sadly degrees obtained in Myanmar are not accepted anywhere else but in Myanmar. Refugees from Burma often can’t obtain a work permit. Well educated and trained people are forced into subsistence living. As you can imagine, they find very little hope! – (adapted from a missionary who works in Burma and Thailand)

FYI: We have Burmese refugees right in the city of Austin. You can do something about this now, here! They need old computers.

  • Consider joining a team of people that can go to address these problems long-term. Of all people, Christians should be at the forefront of these issues!
  • Pray that those in authority will not feel threatened by the people but learn how to use their greatest resource for the benefit of the country.
  • Pray for those unemployed or doing menial jobs after spending years in education. Pray that in their depression they would not grow bitter but seek after the one who brings meaning, hope and purpose to life.

To subscribe to regular prayer updates contact pray4burma@bigfoot.com

Read more about the Shan peoples of Burma here.

Sign Up for 30 Days of Prayer for the SHAN!

Numbering 5-7 million, the Shan are one of the largest unreached people groups in Southeast Asia. They suffer from illiteracy, addiction, prostitution, AIDS, poverty, broken families, and a loss of hope. Their Buddhist faith, intricately combined with animism, is deeply rooted in their culture. Though there is a Shan Bible and a small established church, very few Shan have ever heard about Jesus. The Shan need the Gospel and the Shan need your prayers.

If you sign up, starting tomorrow, you will receive one email a day for the next 30 days. Each email will provide a glimpse into the culture and daily life of the Shan people and will conclude with a few prayer requests.

Sign up here.

Read more on the Shan here.

Download a copy of the Shan Prayer Guide here.

Wanna Do Mission in Asia?

Some of the folks in Austin City Life have a special place in their heart for Asia. My City Group has adopted a missionary to the unreached Shan-Dai peoples. We have former missionaries to Asian in our community. Maybe some of you are interested in going to Thailand, Burma, China or Laos?

This week James Rider, a representative from OMF International, is in town this week and early next week. He’s an acquaintance from my mission work in Asia with OMF. If you’d like to set up an appointment to ask him questions, call him at 720-291-6996. Also, consider taking David or Faye Cummings out for coffee. They can tell you stories and help you think through mission to Asia.

Burma Catastrophe

The peoples of Burma continue to suffer. This time it is not from the hand of the oppressive junta, but as a result of a massive cyclone that has killed upwards of 10,000 people and destroyed tens of thousands of homes. Some consider Burma one of the most dangerous places to visit. Now add to the list one of the most devastated.

Since my trip to Burma back in 2002, my heart has been burdened for the Burmese and its many people groups, including my work among the Shan-Dai. Pray for Burma. Serve Burma. Give to Burma. Go to Burma. Contact World Vision, World Relief or UN. And if you are in Austin, Burma has come to you. We have several hundred Burmese refugees living in our city. If you want to provide for them, contact Caritas.