Tag: spirit-led leadership

Spirit-led Leadership

In his stirring book David: Man of Prayer, Man of War, Walter Chantry contrasts the life and leadership of David and Saul. Chantry’s little book is packed with gospel insights for leaders that draw special attention to Spirit-led leadership.

In this article, I point out three different ways we can follow the Spirit in church leadership. Here is point #2:

2. God’s Spirit Incites Faith. Saul relied on bribes to get others to fight Goliath (1 Sam. 17:25). Saul discouraged young leaders like David (to not fight Goliath) because he was motivated by fear, not faith. Remember, God doesn’t look at appearances, but at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7). Samuel would never choose David, but God did. Are you leading your church or leaders based on fear or faith? Do you insist on control or relinquish it to let others rise up in faith? Are you judging by appearances or looking at the heart? Often we are too doubtful about some and too confident about others. Judge by the Spirit, not the flesh; by faith, not fear.