Austin City Life Worship

I’m excited to announce the June 28 release of Austin City Life’s first worship cd One. You can preview the tracks at our ACL MySpace. The mp3s and chord charts will be available around June 28, (perhaps sooner). Keep an eye on the usual places: iTunes, CD Baby, Rhapsody, Noise Trade, and so on. You never know when stuff will leak out 🙂

The EP is a product of worship from a community for a community. Each of our three worship leaders have contributed to this 6 song album, drawing on their unique gifts and artistry to produce songs that don’t quite fit within the usual worship stream. Some of the distinctives include:

  • City focused
  • Gospel-centered
  • Martin Luther on the Spirit
  • High Colossian Christology
  • Ancient hymns to progressive tunes
  • Reflective worship that builds and crescendos
  • Integration of Gospel, Community, and Mission in the song writing

I hope you are compelled to worship  God in all of life through the power of his Spirit in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ through this music. May we lift our voices and our hearts in Christ-cherishing praise all our days.