New Urbanism

In the recent Mars Hill Audio Journal, Ken Myers interviews Philip Bess, architect and author, who has reflected theologically and architecturally on the implications modern urban planning. In Till We Have Built Jerusalem, he articulates the goodness of urban dwelling based on natural law. He points out that New Urbanists tend to avoid the idea that there is any metaphysical basis for urban communities.

If there is not metaphysical/theological basis for urban dwelling, why should we even care about cities? If there is a biblical theological rationale for urban life, what they is our responsiblity in an age of urban decline and sprawl? Without this urban ontology, city life and culture are rendered haphazzard and purposeless. However, Christian tradition and theology offers a purposeful, even doxological basis for urban life. See my article, “Hate the City, Love the City.”

Strikingly, Bess shows how modern urbanism has displaced former function of the city. Instead of being a moral center that fosters education, citizenry, creation it has become an entertainment center. Suburbia has followed suit, resulting in a massive decline in community, purpose and society. How should we respond? What is our responsibility to the cities we live in? How can we act locally to improve urban life?

Is Dumbledore Really Gay?

No doubt you have heard J.K. Rowling’s retroactive announcement that Professor Dumbledore of the Harry Potter series is gay. Funny, she never developed this in her books. In fact, John Cloud of Time is outraged that Rowling did not make it clear that the wizard was gay in her books. What is Rowling’s point in all this?

Read this helpful blog article on the matter.

Greenest Cities in the U.S.

Forbes magazine just released a list of the Greenest cities in the U.S. According to the article, states were ranked according to their performance on the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s energy efficiency scorecard. This includes six categories: carbon footprint, air quality, water quality, hazardous waste management, policy initiatives and energy consumption.

Click here to see how your state ranked.

Resources for Executive Pastors

Phil Taylor of Terra Nova, an Acts 29 church in New York, recently wrote an incredibly helpful article regarding resources for Executive pastors. In it he points pastors to books, online assessments and practical wisdom in being and selecting an executive pastor. Both Lead/Vision and Executive pastors will want to read “Top 5 resources for executive pastors and those who want one”.