Phil Taylor of Terra Nova, an Acts 29 church in New York, recently wrote an incredibly helpful article regarding resources for Executive pastors. In it he points pastors to books, online assessments and practical wisdom in being and selecting an Executive pastor. Both Lead/Vision and Administrative/Executive pastors will want to read “Top 5 resources for executive pastors and those who want one”.
Austin City Life Worship Pastor
Here is the My Space page for Nate Navarro (formerly of Wide Awake), the worship pastor for Austin City Life. Listen to one of his songs, “Where I Belong,” from his forthcoming album Broken Becomes Beautiful.
The Road
Man, I started and finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy this afternoon. A post-apocalyptic page-turner. Wow.
Thoughts to come…feel free to leave yours…
Organic/Incarnational Recommended Reads
My church planting coach, Mark Moore, recently recommended the following books (w/disclaimer that he doesnt agree with everything in them). I’ve read a couple and now have more to read! I’ve linked a couple to personal blog reflections/reviews.
The Shaping of Things to Come (Frost, Hirsch)
The Forgotten Ways (Hirsch)
Radical Renewal (Snyder)
Houses that Change the World (Simson)
Organic Church (Cole)