Category: Gospel and Culture

5 Lessons on Family from Puritans

Pastoring Your Family and the Puritans – Winfield Bevins from Acts 29 Network on Vimeo.

Winfield cites the great evangelist George Whitefield who said, “A man ought to look upon himself as obliged to [his family] act in three capacities:

  • As a prophet, to instruct:
  • As a priest, to pray for and with;
  • As a king, to govern, direct, and provide for them.

What steps can you take to better instruct, pray, and direct your family. What area of your family leadership needs the greatest attention? Prophet, Priest, or King? Read more here for great wisdom from the Puritans and from Winfield Bevins! More resources:

Jesus is Cultural (and so are you)

Culture is everywhere, interwoven in everything, for everyone. Your attire, your values and your behaviors — artifact, assessment and action. Wearing flip-flops is cultural. Driving to work is cultural. Talking on a cell phone is cultural. Going to church is cultural. Covenants are cultural (patterned after Hittite treaties). Your Bible is cultural (a product of Gutenberg’s press). The cross is cultural (Roman torture device).

No one is culturally neutral. We are all enculturated from infancy to grave. To be human is to be cultural, and when Jesus became man, He became cultural. Jesus spoke Aramaic, went to Jewish temples, drank wine, wore sandals and grew a beard. Jesus is cultural and so are you.

Read the rest of this article.