Category: Gospel and Culture

Primer on the Holy Spirit

Winfield Bevin’s Pocket Guide is a helpful introduction to the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. His generous use of Scripture, clear instruction, and concluding prayers make this ebook a unique blend of theology and devotion, a blend that invites the reader to know the Spirit. Great for new believers or Christians who are unfamiliar with the Spirit.

Beauty in the Church

Our conception of feminine beauty is so distorted in American culture. I was driving around town last week and saw an Oakley sunglasses ad that pretty much it sums up: “Perform Beautifully.”

That’s right. Beauty is a competition, and you are up against supermodels like Karena Dawn and airbrushed advertisements. The principle driving beauty in America is a principle of performance, not godliness.Will you perform beautifully? If so, you will run with $130 shades.

Women are dominated by the principle of performance, competing against one another for the title of beautiful. And when you fail to be fashionable, you fail to be beautiful—a great lie from the pit of marketing hell.

Our culture says: “Perform beautifully,” but the Gospel says: “Jesus performed beautifully for you!”

The biblical alternative is wonderful freeing. Our culture says: “Perform beautifully,” but the Gospel says: “Jesus performed beautifully for you!” The challenge is to lay hold of your beauty in Christ. This begins with repentance from believing the lies of our culture–perform beautifully–and turning to faith in Jesus for your beauty.

However, true beauty doesn’t grow in a vacuum of confession, you’ll need something to rearrange your view of beauty. something to place your faith in. God calls women to a beauty of godliness that is imperishable, that outlasts youth, physical fitness, fashion, and any earthly measurement: “an imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious” (1 Peter 3:3-4).

God celebrates beauty of Spirit and beauty of Action. Peter and Paul lay this out wonderfully. Read about it more here. As you cultivate a godly beauty, pick up some of resources that can help.

New! Free “Too Late” Single, Miranda Dodson

Miranda’s new single “Too Late” actually drops tomorrow, but you can get it free right now!


Release Date: June 15, 2010

Miranda’s innovative folk winds through guitar strings, around vintage horns and forward-thinking synths, through wide-ranging-heart-filled vocals to turn listeners into believers. With lyrical images that reach right into the imagination, Miranda draws the listener into story and into sound. From impassioned alt-country ballads to fun head-bobbing folk-pop each track of her album “Change A Thing” stands strongly on its own but also hangs together united by collaborative creativity.

Get the single for free, then treat yourself to the whole album on June 15!