Category: Gospel and Culture

The Statesman Reviews Austin City Life

The amiable Religion reporter, Joshunda Sanders, visited Austin City Life on Sunday and gave us a nice review in the Austin Statesman Of Sacred & Secular blog. An excerpt:

More than once, Dodson referred to Austin City Life as an “imperfect church clinging to a perfect Christ.” with “Christ meeting us at our messy parts.” What occurred to me through this repetition was the sense of welcoming a newcomer feels in the presence of the community at the church. My experience at some churches is that people feel like they already have to be on the path to perfection before they can go to church, but Dodson explained that the redeemed are a people who are not only not perfect; “The difference between them and the those who are not redeemed is that the redeemed exchange their badness for grace.”

Read it all.

RENEW Resources

On Sunday we launched a new vision series called RENEW the CITY. We looked back on evidences of God’s goodness in 2009, and looked forward in hope for more goodness in 2010. Here are a few resources related to the Austin City Life RENEW vision for 2010:

  • Mission for Moms: Check out Little Helping Hands an organization that hooks parents and their children up with volunteering opportunities around the city.
  • Community Spotlight from Nixonsstory of gospel community in action from our very own Nixon family!
  • The Art of Patrick Watson fascinating article on the music of Patrick Watson, as reviewed by Miranda
    RENEW the CITY: Thanks for the Past, Faith for the Future –sermon audio and manuscript from Sunday

Top Posts of 2009

Here are some of the top posts from Creation Project in 2009. As you’ll see, just because they were the most popular doesn’t mean they were the most important.

Can Christians Believe in Evolution? (follow up with Keller’s new article)

Resources for Biblical Womanhood

Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?

8 Ways to be Missional (without overloading your schedule)

Fight Club, the booklet

Gospel-centered Family Resources

Dark Thoughts from The Dark Knight

Why Do You Obey God?

Confessions of a Failing Disciple

Austin City Life Baptism

The Gospel in 3 Dimensions

Gospel-centered Questions for Fight Clubs

Check out the new post from Justin Hroch on Gospel-centered Questions for Fight Clubs:

The purpose for being in a Fight Club is to attack sin at its root and see Christ in the height of his glory. Too often our focus is on the external symptoms of sin, where we strive for victory by working tirelessly to control our sin.

I have found it helpful to ask personalized gospel-centered questions to uncover the deep-rooted idolatries of my heart. Because we encounter temptation and sin in different ways, personalized questions can be very helpful in leading us to repentance and faith in Jesus.

Justin proposes we form specific questions to suit one another, keeping three things in mind:

  • Personality Type
  • Recurring Outside Influences
  • Tendencies towards Sin

Check it out here.