Driscoll will be in town speaking at the Song of Solomon Conference at Hill Country Bible this Friday and Saturday. This is great, practical material that will give you a better bearing on relationships, romance, marriage, and singleness.
Category: Gospel and Culture
City Group Missional Project
On Sunday the Riverside Meadows City Group cleaned 5 apartments for homeless women and children. This City Group is working with VINCare, a great social organization that houses, equips, and ministers to homeless women and children.
Atlantic Monthly, Xn Music, and Philly
Oh, to be a young believer in Philadelphia right now, where the spirit of Christian activism is mingling vigorously with an apparently unkillable strain of old-school countercultural Jesus-freakery.
That’s an excerpt from Atlantic Monthly’s James Parker, in his new article “Sing to the Lord a New Song.” The piece covers some of the Christian renewal efforts in Philly, including the influence of Shane Clairborne, mewithoutYou, and Circle of Hope. It seems like Christian Music plus social activism, anyone on the inside care to comment?
Q Blog: Ideas that create a better world
Q has launched a new website and blog, posting articles by great thinkers like Tim Keller, Andy Crouch and great practioners like Gideon Tsang, Jose and Nichole Reyes. Somehow I got on the list and they are running an article I wrote called “Conversion and Contextualization: Reexamining our Expectations of Gospel Change.“