Posted on November 28, 2007
We read This is No Fairy Tale children’s book to our son once or twice a week. It is among the best I’ve come across. In fact, I read some excerpts from it to a group last night and people seemed to really like it.
Dale alternates between what the fairy tale version of the Jesus story would be and the biblical version. For example:
If this were a fairly tale, the young prince Jesus would have been taught to rule over people so that when he grew up, he would become their king.
The truth is, Jesus learned to work hard with his hands. His father taught him how to make things for people out of wood.
Dale Tolmasoff also happens to be a friend. His big heart and a deep love for God and others really come through in this book. The book concludes with a delightfully simple, Christian Hedonistic phrase (you’ll have to read it to find out!). Fittingly, the book’s forward is by John Piper.