Tag: jonathan dodson

An Interview on Discipleship

Joe Thorn was kind enough to interview me on the topic of discipleship. I’ve included an excerpt from one of the questions below.

What is the biggest mistake the church is making when working to make disciples?

I can’t answer that question definitively. However, the dearth of suffering, the absence of hope, the trivialization of the Spirit, and the lack of mission among disciples of Jesus is terribly concerning. We have tried to minimize suffering through convenience, eliminate hope through self-made retirement, reduce Jesus to redeemer of the past, and surrendered any sense of discipleship as a call to die to ourselves that others may live. Instead, discipleship has been reduced to having a good marriage, handling finances well, raising good children, securing a future, and knowing your Bible. Our mission is very different than Jesus’ mission, our lives very different than Jesus’ life. This should scare us.

Read the rest of the Interview

Missional Strategies Webinar @ Noon!

The very helpful people at New Fathom are hosting a webinar with me and Byron Blesdoe of C3 Church on Missional Strategies at 12pm CST.

I will be:

  • Sharing the story of Austin City Life
  • Discussing the formation of Missional Core Teams
  • Explaining Missional Communities

This should be helpful for church planters and missional church folk. We would love to have you join us!


Missional Living Conference A/V

Redeemer Church recently invited me to speak at their Missional Living Conference. The conference was built around the Three Gospel Conversions based on Colossians 1:15-20. Those familiar with my talks at LEAD ’09 will note that these new talks introduce a fresh theological and practical perspective on the Three Conversions. Each talk has both Audio and Video.

Conversion to Christ: This message deconstructs the dualism of American Christianity in order to reconstruct a whole Gospel around Jesus Christ as Lord.

Conversion to Church: This message demonstrates the communal character of the Gospel, unpacking very practical ways to cultivate “steady state community.”

Conversion to Mission: This message shows how mission is not optional but essential, and spends considerable time talking about how to live “everyday life with gospel intentionality.”

Bonus Sermon on What Kind of Church Renews a City?

Viral Hope: Coming Soon!

Viral Hope: Good News from the Urbs and the Burbs (and everything in between)

“ViralHope is a bold call to reject any and all reductions of the Gospel that minimize it to ‘cosmic fire insurance’ on the one hand, or on the other, to reduce it to ‘social action.’ This is a full Gospel and a vision that our world desperately needs to hear.”

– Jim Belcher, Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emergent and Traditional Church