Tag: Missional Church

Acts 29 Dallas Bootcamp Resources

A couple of weeks ago Acts 29 hosted a Church Planting Bootcamp in Dallas, hosted by the Village Church. The aim of these bootcamps is to assess, equip, and release church planters into planting gospel-centered, missional churches that plant more churches. The theme of the Dallas Bootcamp was Depth.

The were a number of plenary speakers and a variety of breakout sessions (see schedule here). Audio and electronic resources are being released as they are ready (I am trying to figure out how to upload my audio to wordpress). Mark Driscoll’s talk on the Mission and Vision of Acts 29 includes a clear and compelling vision for a church planting movement that keeps Christ at the center and takes the gospel to periphery of the world. My session was Spirit-led Ecclesiology: Following the Spirit thru Church Planting, which critically examined motives and methods of church planters that lean away from the Spirit-led center of church planting. This was followed by a brief biblical theology of the Spirit and practical reflections on how we can follow the Spirit through unplanned change, resistance and barriers. In short, it was a plea to not replace the Spirit with the gospel in church planting.

For now, here are the resources I have gathered:

  • Driscoll on Mission & Vision of A29                                 audio manuscript
  • Dodson on Spirit-led Ecclesiology                                    audio manuscript
  • Dodson & White on Building Missional Core Teams                notes

Primer on Triperspectival Leadership

These guys offer a collection of audio and articles on Triperspectival Leadership as advocated by Drew Goodmanson and David Fairchild. This approach to church and to leadership takes the perspectivalism of John Frame and Vern Poythress and applies it to ecclesiology. Regarding leadership, the prophet, priest, & king offices of Christ and applied to functional and pastoral leadership roles in the missional church. Prophet is teacher/preacher. Priest is pastor/counselor. King is administrator/XP.

I admire Drew and David’s hard thinking and missional leading, and was blessed by their generous, Jesus like spirit when I was in San Diego earlier this summer. I am encoruaged to be in parntership in the gospel with them. This approach to ecclesiology is worth considering and has its strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy.