Tag: missionshift

How Far Does Salvation Extend?

Continuing the Prologue to MissionSHIFT, Ed Stetzer raises some important questions about the scope and focus of salvation. He writes:

Should the definition of “salvation” be expanded beyond personal redemption of sins to include social justice through the reformation of economic and political institutions? We are not debating here whether we think social justice is right or wrong but rather should it be included in what we mean we we talk about “salvation.” Evangelicals have generally said no and mainliners have generally said yes.

Another way to ask this question is:

Are social justice, political reform, cultural renewal implications of the Gospel or actually part of the Gospel?

What do you think? What does the Bible teach on this?


Others participating in the conversation:

Ed Stetzer
Rick Meigs: The Blind Beggar
Bill Kinnon: kinnon.tv
Brother Maynard: Subversive Influence
David Fitch: Reclaiming the Mission
Tiffany Smith: Missional Mayhem
Jared Wilson: The Gospel-Driven Church

Stetzer Interviews Vanderstelt re: MissionSHIFT

Check out the helpful interview between Stetzer and Vanderstelt regarding the upcoming MissionSHIFT conference. Jeff will be leading a lab at the missionSHIFT Conference titled, “Transitioning a Church to Missional.” An excerpt from the interview gives us a glimpse into the “real time” mission going on in Jeff’s live. He’s not just a theorist; he’s on mission:

This looks like meals together with believers and unbelievers 2-4 times a week; cleaning up the yard of our widowed neighbor next store; serving at the elementary’s auctions, community events and after school programs; going through “The Story of God” 1-2 times a year with unbelievers to introduce them to the Gospel; sharing our house for others to live with us and join us on the mission; having an “open door” policy to our neighbors and friends; throwing parties regularly to meet more people who we hope will also come to faith in Jesus; etc… We focus on demonstrating the change the Gospel makes in our lives through tangible expressions of serving and declaring the reason why we live this way by sharing the Gospel.

What is the Gospel of the Missional Church?

How important is salvation to mission? The answer to this question will determine the trajectory of the missional church movement, for good or for ill. What is the state of the Gospel of the Missional Church? In his Mondays is for Missiology post, Ed Stetzer notes the importance of this very issue:

Missiology is fairly inextricable from soteriology; one’s view of salvation– however it is defined– will determine the missionary work. In Transforming Mission, David Bosch states that the Christian missionary movement has been driven throughout its history by the aspiration to mediate salvation to all.

Jesus as Example or Messiah?

In some circles, “mission” appears to focus on social activism to the neglect of so-called evangelism. Mission is often reduced to a project among the poor and needy. The example of Christ is central. In other circles, evangelism appears to be more important than social activism. Mission reduces people to evangelistic projects. The death and resurrection of Christ is central. How we understand the person and work of Christ should affect our understanding and practice of mission.

What is the Gospel of the Missional Church?

Do you have any concerns about the trajectory of the missional church conversation? Do you have any concerns about present understandings of the person and work of Jesus? Have you read any important books or articles that are defining the role of Christ in mission?

Weigh in. Consider extending the conversation at MissionSHIFT. Check out what others in the Prologue to MissionSHIFT are saying:

Missional Leaders in the Conversation