Tag: pastoring

Various Books on Pastoring

Alexander Strauch, Minister of Mercy: The New Testament Deacon

A reliable guide to understanding the biblical qualifications and expectations of the role of deacon. Strauch’s Biblical Eldership and Study Guide are also very helpful in working out functional eldership.

Mark Driscoll, On Church Leadership

One of the best concise treatments of what the Bible has to say about Elders, Deacons, and Members. See also John Piper’s resources on Elders and Deacons.

William Perkins, The Art of Prophesying

An refreshingly biblical read on preaching from an old Puritan voice.

David Powlison, Speaking the Truth in Love

I can’t get enough of Powlison, a biblical counselor that pushes truth and grace through everything. He is editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, which contains a goldmine of pastoral wisdom for just about every occasion. He challenges and renews my soul.

Resources on Pastoral Ministry

A friend recently asked me for a list of books on Pastoring. Honestly, I have found very few that are worth our time. Here is are the few I have found:

Darrin Patrick on Eldering and Pastoring

The Reformed Pastor, Richard Baxter

Pastoral Trilogy by Eugene Peterson (Angles, Stones, Plant)

On Church Leadership, Driscoll

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals, Piper

The Art of Pastoring, Hansen