Four Mega Cultural Trends

Barna Group has identified four mega trends from the last quarter of 2007: 1) Americans’ unconditional self-love; 2) designer faith with rootless values; 3) the five Ps of parenting; and 4) nouveau Christianity. Click here for explanation.

Primers on Pullman and the Golden Compass

With the theatrical release of The Golden Compass, all kinds of rumors and reviews are floating around about Philip Pullman and the Golden Compass. Opinions and convictions are being formed left and right, some informed other in ignorance. If you are remotely interested in forming an informed opinion, read the books and see the movie. If you are looking for some discernment before plunging in head first, here are a two excellent resources:

  • Mars Hill Audio piece on Philip Pullman (w/ excellent literary critique from Alan Jacobs).
  • Atlantic Monthly article entitled “How Hollywood Saved God.”