Category: Gospel and Culture

ESV Study Bible: A 1/3rd Solution

For those of you who often ask the question: “I wonder what this text really means?” or “Who was Archippus?” or “What was the temple like?” the ESV Study Bible offers a wealth of evangelical scholarly insight. What’s more is that the online study features are now online and searchable (free this month only). If you’ve been looking for single volume study resource that is reliable and online, this is the way to go.

Only 1/3rd of the Solution

There is danger in relying on a single perspective Study Bible that does all the work for you. Reading your study Bible is just 1/3 of the solution to the task of interpretation. Another third of the task includes knowing how to interpret texts for ourselves, to develop a way to evaluate notes and commentary. Nothing beats studying the Bible for yourself, learning how to come to reasonable and textually faithful conclusions about the meaning of biblical texts and the joy of personal discovery as you learn to read the Bible well.

Reading in Cultural Stereo

The final third of the interpretive task is to read the Bible in cultural stero. How do we take what the Bible says about human creativity and apply it in a creative culture that is in glorious ruin? What do we do with the well meaning counsel of respectable friends who lack a God-centered perspective on say, marriage? When we are confronted with the two voices of Scripture and Culture, how can we listen closely enough to know when they are harmonizing and when they are dissonant? Developing discernment about how to live, relate, and engage the gammunt of social and cultural issues raised by Science, Pop Culture, Music, Architecture, Urban planning, Goverment, the Arts and so on is also part of the interpretive task.

Interpreting Scripture and Culture

The three-fold task of Bible interpretation, reading others’ interpretations, and interpreting culture is a challenging and rewarding task.  I encourage you to sign up for our Interpreting Scripture and Culture class, which starts Monday, March 16. This class will help you develop patterns of whole Bible reading that equip you, not only for the interpretive task, but also for living a Christ-centered life.

"Magnificent" Live, U2

Magnificent Magnificent. I was born I was born to be with you. In this space and time

After that and ever after I haven’t had a clue. Only to break rhyme. This foolishness can leave a heart black and blue  Only love, only love can leave such a mark.  But only love, only love can heal such a scar

I was born. I was born to sing for you. I didn’t have a choice but to lift you up.  And sing whatever song you wanted me to I give you back my voice  From the womb my first cry, it was a joyful noise…

Only love, only love can leave such a mark But only love, only love can heal such a scar. Justified till we die, you and I will magnify  The Magnificent Magnificent Only love, only love can leave such a mark But only love, only love unites our hearts Justified till we die, you and I will magnify  The Magnificent
Magnificent Magnificent

Learning Gospel through Mission

This weekend I served with my City Group on the eastside, a low income, non-white part of town. We joined up with a charismatic group called One Love. We stood out like egg whites in a frying pan. Fortunately, we didn’t get fried though things definitely got hot. Before we left, we asked the Spirit to teach us while we served, and man did he ever.

I confess, I was skeptical of the approach at first. Christian hip hop, tent and chairs, face-painting, firetruck, testimonies—old school. But the Spirit warmed things up. People split out of their subsidized housing into urban playground to hear the gospel, to see the gospel.

As I heard Tony’s testimony I was converted again. The power of the gospel, plain and simple, drew my affections to Christ. I couldn’t stand. I sat down and wept three times. I was a mere student, barely a pastor, learning from an 20 year old, street-wise, profoundly redeemed, deeply passionate X-gang member. Tony cried out:

“My dad left when I was 8. My mom was a prostitute. I didn’t have no love. I looked for it on the street. Gang-banging, flaggin colors, slinging, I thought I was somebody, but I wasn’t. The street couldn’t love me. I needed God.”

He went on to describe his trial for aggravated assault of a police officer. While in jail he read the Bible three times. He crumbled under the weight of the gospel. He told God, “If you let me out of prison I will preach your Word. If you don’t I will glorify you here.” Trial day came. Evidence was marshaled. But the long criminal record was gone. Erased from the computer records. The video of aggravated assault was played. Scrambled. They re-burnt the DVD to no avail. All evidence gone. His record was wiped clean…by Jesus. Tony has been set free to preach the life-changing power of the gospel, the all-sufficient love of God in Christ, to be a missionary.

We learned the gospel all over again. Sure, we painted faces, talked with apartment dwellers, played with kids and talked about Jesus. But we were outsiders. Tony and his missional posse contextualized the gospel with boldness and cultural savvy. They threw out words and acronyms I had never heard before. They brought the gospel to the hood…and I worshipped and I learned.

May we never stop learning the gospel.