Month: March 2010

Follow the Passion of Christ on Twitter

My friend John Chandler is sending out tweets during Passion week to remind us of what Jesus was doing this week leading up to the cross and the resurrection. Follow him @passionweek for reminders throughout the week to focus on Jesus this Easter season. He explains:

Throughout the week, the @passionweek twitter account will post a brief glimpse of what Jesus experienced at the time he would of experienced it. The timing is mostly estimated. Regardless, I hope it can give you reason to pause throughout the week to reflect and anticipate the crucifixion on Friday, the silence that follows, and the resurrection on Sunday

Go here for a list of Scriptures that describe what happened on Wednesday of Passion Week.

Christ & Culture Revisited

D. A. Carson’s recent contribution to the growing, informed discussion regarding Christ & Culture is a worthy read. However, Christ and Culture Revisited is not without its shortcomings. In a series of posts, I offer a critical reading of Carson’s well-researched book in an attempt to further good thinking and practice on the topic of Christ & Culture.

How Far Does Salvation Extend?

Continuing the Prologue to MissionSHIFT, Ed Stetzer raises some important questions about the scope and focus of salvation. He writes:

Should the definition of “salvation” be expanded beyond personal redemption of sins to include social justice through the reformation of economic and political institutions? We are not debating here whether we think social justice is right or wrong but rather should it be included in what we mean we we talk about “salvation.” Evangelicals have generally said no and mainliners have generally said yes.

Another way to ask this question is:

Are social justice, political reform, cultural renewal implications of the Gospel or actually part of the Gospel?

What do you think? What does the Bible teach on this?


Others participating in the conversation:

Ed Stetzer
Rick Meigs: The Blind Beggar
Bill Kinnon:
Brother Maynard: Subversive Influence
David Fitch: Reclaiming the Mission
Tiffany Smith: Missional Mayhem
Jared Wilson: The Gospel-Driven Church

Viral Hope: Coming Soon!

Viral Hope: Good News from the Urbs and the Burbs (and everything in between)

“ViralHope is a bold call to reject any and all reductions of the Gospel that minimize it to ‘cosmic fire insurance’ on the one hand, or on the other, to reduce it to ‘social action.’ This is a full Gospel and a vision that our world desperately needs to hear.”

– Jim Belcher, Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emergent and Traditional Church