This page is devoted to very practical tools for planting or cultivating missional churches. Please feel free to download documents, adapt them, and so on. I do ask that you link back to this site if you re-post from these tools and cite where appropriate. Every blessing in your missional endeavors.
Church Planting Resources
- Exegeting Your Culture
- Conversion and Contextualization
- Get Better at Contextualization
- How NOT to be a Missional Church
- Two Kinds of Simple Church
- Missional Discipleship : Reinterpreting the Great Commissions
- Be Missional, Not Superficially ContextualÂ
- Why the Missional Church Isn’t Enough
Missional Core Teams
- Missional Core Team Growth
- Stages of Organic Growth
- 8 Ways to Easily Be Missional
- Launch/Core Team Covenant
- Launch Criteria: Discerning When to “Launch”
- Organic Church
Missional Communities
- How to Evaluate the Health of a Missional Community
- The 3 Layers of MissionIs a City Group a Missional Community?
- How to Start and Lead Missional Communities
- Missional Community Leader Assessment
- Shared Leadership in Missional Community
- Differences Between House Churches and Missional Communities (Chester)
- Practices of a Missional Community – I
- Practices of a Missional Community – II
- Living in the Tension of Mission and Community
- Gospel Fluency (Jeff Vanderstelt)
- Getting Through Challenges to Missional Community
- Everyday Mission & Community
Missional Leadership
- Spirit-led Ecclesiology
- Missional Leader Readiness
- Where to Office: Church or Home?
- Developing Deacons in Missional Church
- Deacons Position Paper (Bob Thune)
- Counseling on Mission
- Eldership Process Overview
Practical Missional Ecclesiology
- Missional Community Primer (new)
- Sample Missional Commitment (new)
- Rethinking Church Membership
- Members or Parnters: Does Terminology Matter? (read comments)
- Why a Partners Class?
- City Life Church Partners Class Material
- The Lord’s Supper as Missional Community
Missional Church Practices
- Decentralized Missional Church Growth
- 7 Mega-Trends Facing the Church
- Missional Church, Tim Keller
- Missional Church Refresher
- Rethinking Church: Membership, Community, & Pastoring
- Qualifications for Pastor/Elders
- Keeping the Global in Missional
- Renewing Your CityÂ